Monday, December 28, 2009

vrolijke kerstmis!

Merry Christmas, my wonderful friends,

It's been another dazzling week and we're enjoying a white Christmas in Belgium and the Netherlands. Yesterday after church, we all went outside in the thick of the snowflakes
and threw it at each other for a good half hour. Later, walking up and down the streets of Watergrafsmeer, we saw dozens of families outside making snowmen and forts together. They may have also thrown a few snowballs at us as well. ;)

We had another series of missionary Christmas conce
rts in Rotterdam and Den Haag on Thursday and Friday. It was such an incredible way to share the spirit of Christ with others through music. Without a doubt, the most exciting and memorable experience of my mission.

Zr. Fowler and I have had a lot of Christmas lessons with our investigators and members this month. We've truly enjoyed the spirit of Christmas and e
ven though its a very commercial tradition here in Amsterdam, we have found many moments of peace on earth and good will toward men. I'm grateful for the celebration of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.

The wisemen sought the infant Savior, bearing fine gifts of
gold, frankincense and myrrh. How can we better seek the Savior and what can we give to the babe in the manger? I've thought a great deal about what I can gift to my Savior this Christmas. What will you give to Him this season? I encourage each of you to reflect about what to give of yourself to become more like Him.
Vrolijkke Kerstfeest!

28 December
Merry Christmas! I hope it was for you all. I definitely enjoyed the splendid Kerst festivities in Amsterdam. I am so grateful I was able to stay this transfer to celebrate with my favorite people in the Netherlands.

The ward held a musical Christmas Eve service on Thursday night (what would you know…Zuster Fowler and I participated, naturally), which was a great success. Everyone brought friends and family and the spirit was so incredibly tangible – I love that
no matter where in the world you are, the people seem to be brighter, more cheerful for Christmas. What a beautiful present to our Savior, Jesus Christ. :D

My family called me on Christmas evening and I was able to talk to them for 30 minutes. What a miracle. It was such an exciting opportunity to speak with them on the phone, even for a short amount of time. Thank you, family. Ik hou van jullie.

With 2010 fast approaching, I encourage you all to stay going strong. I’m definitely not a fan of New Year’s resolutions (because how long do they last, I ask you?) but here on the mission, I’ve definitely gained a solid testimony of goal setting. Without effective plans, a want is merely a "someday." Dat wil ik niet.

I wish you all much pleasure during the continued holidays. If you have desires to serve your zuster missionary in any way, write an uplifting letter and send it to her. :)

Love you all muchly,
Zuster Fritz

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas concerts in Belgium

Hello broeders en zusters and vrolijke kerst!

What a geweldige week! It has truly been the most incredible and joyful time of my mission - I absolutey love Christmas.This week was spent in Belgium. Our missionary choir sang in the streets and chapels of Brussels and Antwerpen – what an unforgettable experience it was! We sang in several prime locations in the cities’ centrums, attracting hundreds with our bagpipes, fiddles, and angelic voices to invite them to our Christmas concert that would be held that evening. :D Many members and investigators attended…as well as some interesting gypsy finds from the street….oh, Europe. This coming week we will do the same in Rotterdam and Den Haag, Nederland. Exciting!!

It is Christmastime in Holland and I’m enjoying the beautiful festivities in Amsterdam. It has been such a blessing for me to serve in this unique city and watch as the weather and decorations change – and hearts as well. I’ve witnessed so many miracles these months as I’ve watched those we teach make decisions that bring them closer to their Savior Jesus Christ. There is so much joy to be had in His gospel. And there is surely opposition (this is ever apparent to me in the city of Amsterdam where "alles mag” or anything goes). But as we press forward with a steadfastness in Christ (2 Nephi 31:20) we will be in His constant care.

I am so happy that I made the decision to come on a full-time mission. The reality of it all is so different from the films one sees (even the tulip-filled “Best Two Years” against the Holland backdrop) but I absolutely love my mission, rain or shine (though in Holland we definitely experience more of the former). I know that what I’m doing matters. It’s the most important work I could be doing. I am assisting in the Lord’s work and I find no greater satisfaction than seeing His hand in my life and the lives of those we meet and teach.
Thank you all so much for your letters and Christmas cards and prayers! I love you all more than I can describe in Dutch or English.
Het evangelie is waar!
The gospel is true. Absolutely.

Much love and Christmas cheer,
Zuster Jillian Claire Fritz

PS - We had an early Christmas dinner with Familie Zwaan and Claire...only some of my favorite people in Amsterdam

Monday, December 7, 2009

28 februari

Mijn geliefde broeders en zusters,

Kim heeft 28 feb uitgekozen om zich to laten dopen!!! Ik ben onsettend blij.De tempel en zone conferentie waren heerlijk. Ga maar naar de tempel.Ik houd van jullie allemaal.

My beloved brothers and sisters,

Kim has chosen Feb. 28 to become baptized!!! I am incredibly happy. The temple and zone conference were glorious. Go to the temple!!

Ik blijf in Amsterdam door de Kerst!
I'm staying in Amsterdam through Christmas!

I love you all.

Zuster Fritz