Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Week of Miracles!

Last Saturday received Lucky her endowment in the Zoetermeer temple - Elders Jacobs and Pinnock and Zuster Fowler and I were able to accompany her. It was one of the sweetest experiences of my mission. I shall never forget what a special day it was - to see someone so faithful come even closer to Christ through the covenants of the temple.
I was not present when Elders Jacobs and Pinnock found Lucky here in Surinamseplein, nor when she was baptized in the church, but I have been here these six months to see her continue in the journey of conversion. And seeing her arrive to the temple was so personally rewarding to me.

THIS IS WHY WE ARE HERE! To not only invite others to the waters of baptism, but to prepare them for the temple, the crowning moment of our earthly existence.

KIM IS GETTING BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY! Tjonge jonge, I can't believe that it's already here; the frosting on my Amsterdamse cake. I remember sitting with her at dinner in September, asking her what she thought of baptism. Something she could never see herself doing, said she. ;) Well, her change of heart has been a beautiful process, to say the very least. I'm overjoyed to be present to see her take this step and excited to see what the rest of her future will bring. She will bring many great things to pass, that girl.
I know Heavenly Father has great blessings in store for us all. It's undeniable.

I love you all incredibly and pray for the spring to come quickly in your corner of the world!
Al mijn liefde,
Zuster Fritz

P.S. My exchange with Zuster Robbins (love her face!) in Den Haag was a bash! It proved to me that I am capable of preaching the gospel somewhere other than Amsterdam...after 6 months, it was a first! ;)

Monday, February 15, 2010

I love being a missionary...seriously!

Yesterday at church was one of those amazing days as a missionary. When you look around and see the most beautiful faces in this world.

I looked around and there was 16-year-old Yanko, who skipped his football practice so he could be present for the whole of sacrament meeting...and bring his tithing. Behind me was William, reeking of marijuana, but in eager attendance nonetheless. Next to me was Anoesjke, who sacrificed the afternoon with her just-home boyfriend so she could come to church to show her gratitude to God for his safe return after several months. Down the aisle was inactive Margaret with her son, Marvelous: they honored their promise that they'd be in church again. In the row before me sat Sandra with her daughter Nicole and mother Miracy - it was Sandra's 4th Sunday back at church after a long period of inactivity - she's going strong. And beside me sat my wonderful, sweet Kim, singing the hymns. Aloud.

I love being a missionary. Seriously.

Monday, February 8, 2010


The mission: to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end.

The mission is worth everything.
There are bad days, rude people, awful weather, endless streets, aches and pains, immature elders, difficult companions, non-progressing investigators, enough doubts, uncooperative members.

There are never better days of miracles, sincere people truly searching, days of never-ending sunshine, that first door letting you in, rushes of energy, amazing elders, wonderful companions, golden investigators, absolute surety, and the best saints the church has ever seen!!

And with all the latter, the former just doesn't matter. It won't be what you'll remember when all is said and done. So waste no time or focus with it. Rise up and make your mission.

Yesterday was such the incredible Sunday. We had numerous in-actives that we've been working with at church. It is such a blessing seeing that they are coming back. It's just as satisfying seeing souls coming back to Christ as coming unto Christ.

Marc is getting baptized on 13 March (wonderful day, that...happens to be my birthday). What a golden he is. I've never seen anyone so excited about the gospel as Marc. Zuster Ekstrom and I call him our "dry mix." We just need to add the water. ;)

Zuster Ekstrom and I had an incredible dinner/lesson with Familie Zwaan on Saturday evening. I adore this family! It's been such a privilege to have seen Kim's progression of faith and willingness to accept the gospel from the beginning. (Have I said enough that she's the light of my mission?)
Veel liefs uit Amsterdam.
I love you all and hope you're experiencing much joy!
We certainly are over here! :)

Zuster Fritz

(Hand Tatoos with Tara)

Monday, February 1, 2010

On Fire!

Hello lovely dear ones,

I'm afraid I have little time to write, but I want to assure you all that the miracles are happening everywhere in Holland. I've never seen so much good come about, so much change. Our zone is on fire and our Amsterdam district has the most talent I've ever seen - 7 companionships and we're baptizing by the dozens. The Lord is truly at the head of this work. I see it every moment.

I know God lives and leads us and that He prepares us, shapes us and readies us for the future He has prepared for us. It's so much greater than we ourselves can imagine and much more glorious when we yield to His will rather than clinging to our own.

I thank you all for your letters and prayers and missionary efforts on the home front!
Keep it up.

I love you all.
Zuster Fritz