Monday, September 6, 2010

the day of all things good

Dearest ones,
Last Monday we went on an excursion to Brugge, Belgium and it was lovely. I highly recommend a day out in this charming little city. Here are some photos of our getaway to this romantic destination. :)
But on to business, Zuster Holbein and I are SUPER excited to be teaching SEVEN people who want to get baptized next month. Liliane, Juliette and Hendrik (of Belgium) and Sarah, Stella, Florence and Samuel (of Ghana).

Wednesday was a beautiful day; Zuster Holbein and I call it our perfect day as we managed to have all of the following in just 10 hours:
*a member-present lesson with an older man, Emiel, a headquarter referral who requested the Book of Mormon several days after we had given him a pass along card on his door
*set a baptismal date for 16 Oktober for Nico, a man we had found in a consecrated hour (he actually belongs to Breda)
*taught our recently baptized Joseph one of the new member lessons

*contacted Eddy, a member referral and invited him to church
*found and taught Emy from Kenya in our consecrated hour
; he became a new investigator
*contacted Veronica, a long-time inactive member from Ecuador on the street and arranged for her to meet with the missionaries in her area
*a lesson with our Juliette and Hendrik, who have received a confirmation that the gospel has been restored through Joseph Smith

It just doesn't get much better than that. Zuster Holbein and I come home every night absolutely beat, but feeling like we could fly. We love being the Lord's missionaries in Antwerpen, Belgium. (cheesy as that completely sounds, it's very true)
And speaking of Zuster Holbein, I just want to emphasize that she is a miracle that makes all the others happen. I love serving with her - how lucky to get stuck with an absolute doll of a companion for three transfers? My mission is unforgettable for so many reasons, but so many of those reasons happen here in Antwerpen.

I wish I had more time to write about two of my new favorite people, Nico and Arjan. I have them written in my journal, which I guess is the important thing, but oh how much I want to share their beautiful stories with you. Can't wait to tell you all about these precious people when I get home.

Thanks for your all your sweet, sweet loving.
-Zuster Fritz

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