Today we were at Kinderdijk - It's breathtaking. And I have no photos to document it. :(
I do love the work in Rotterdam and the car is certainly helping - well, kind of. Zuster Hamblin's ankles have been really sore from all the walking from the parking spot to the's really not far , but when your feet are sore and swollen, it makes a difference. We're just at a loss for what to do. I miss being able to just go out the door and do missionary work. We haven't been doing any finding or contacting, but the Lord has shown us that nothing can stop the work from progressing. We had nine contacted referrals - people that investigators and members introduced to us to learn the gospel. He is so merciful (considering that we're usually lucky to get 1-4 per week!) We're putting our heart and soul into prayer to know our purpose here. It's not always fun, but it's helping my future children, I suppose. Hahaha.
Other than that, things are good. I don't know why but I've been thinking a lot about home and family this week and really miss it. But don't worry, it comes and goes and all I need is more work to distract me. (we totally watched the Sound of Music the other day at an American's house...long story but it was marvelous)
I love you so so so so much. I am not wishing my mission away one bit, but I am looking forward to being able to see and talk with you again.
Lieve broeders en zusters, THE BOOK OF MORMON IS THE WORD OF GOD!
President Brubaker challenged me in my interview to read the Book of Mormon in two weeks. I cannot even express what blessings and revelation I have received from accepting and doing. Read the Book of Mormon. It changes lives, it'll change yours.
al mijn liefde,
Zuster Fritz
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